Dr Richard T Benson-TALLK with AUDREY

Dr. Richard T. Benson – Director, Office of Global Health and Health Disparities at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

Older adults (age 65 and over) often shoulder a significant portion of healthcare costs but may not always receive the care they prefer. This month, FAIR Health, with generous support from The John A. Hartford Foundation, launched FAIRHealthOlderAdults.org, a free website that offers tools, educational content and resources to help older adults and family caregivers plan for care relevant to older adults. FAIR Health Executive Director of Grants and Consumer Education Nicole Iny joins me to tell us more about the new website and how patients can have a voice in what happens as their health needs grow.

Nicole Iny-Fair Health

Nicole Iny—Executive Director of Grants and Consumer Education at FAIR Health

Older adults (age 65 and over) often shoulder a significant portion of healthcare costs but may not always receive the care they prefer. This month, FAIR Health, with generous support from The John A. Hartford Foundation, launched FAIRHealthOlderAdults.org, a free website that offers tools, educational content and resources to help older adults and family caregivers plan for care relevant to older adults. FAIR Health Executive Director of Grants and Consumer Education Nicole Iny joins me to tell us more about the new website and how patients can have a voice in what happens as their health needs grow.

Dr. Brian Caveney, Labcorp at 2.12.57 PM

Dr. Brian Caveney, Chief Medical Officer and President of LabCorp Diagnostics: Colorectal Cancer-The Importance of Early Detection

An estimated one in 23 men and one in 25 women will develop colon cancer in their lifetime and with colorectal cancer, now the second most common cancer death in the US, it’s vital that all adults get regular screenings for the disease. My guest today is Dr. Brian Caveney, Chief Medical Officer and president of LabCorp Diagnostics. We’re going to talk about Labcorp’s Count On You campaign and why early detection of colorectal cancer is vital, and an at-home test collection screening option.


Travel: America’s National World War II Museum-Expressions of America

America’s National World War II Museum unveiled its first of a kind, nighttime sound and light experience called Expressions of America. They’re celebrating the power of individual Americans to impact the world around them during a time of monumental conflict. Joining me with more about this new experience, Kim Guise, the National WWII Museum’s Senior Curator and Director for Curatorial Affairs.

Information About A New Technology That Allows Clinicians to Better Connect their Valuable Patients

Information About A New Technology That Allows Clinicians to Better Connect their Valuable Patients

Kenneth Harper, Vice President, General Manager of Ambient Clinical Intelligence and Virtual Assistants at Nuance and Dr. Hal Baker, Senior Vice President Chief Digital and Chief Information Officer of WellSpan, have information about a new technology that allows clinicians to better connect with patients to capture the full patient story.