Dr. Kimberly Kenton - TALK! with AUDREY RADIO

Dr. Kimberly Kenton, Board-Certified OB/GYN and Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery: Pelvic Floor Disorders

One out of four women 20 years or older will experience a pelvic floor disorder (PFDs) yet not seek treatment due to embarrassment. Are you one of them? Well, today we’re going to talk about it with  My guest is, Dr. Kimberly Kenton, a board-certified in OB/GYN and Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.


Beth Kallymer – VP of Constituent Services for the National Alzheimer’s Association


This week on TALK! with AUDREY: Alzheimer’s disease is an international epidemic impacting a growing number of families around the world and is often misunderstood, preventing people from seeking medical treatment and securing desperately needed support. BETH KALLMYER, the Vice President of Constituent Services for The National Alzheimer’s Association joins me with information about World Alzheimer’s Month and encouraging everyone to “Go Purple.”

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Rob Romasco – AARP President: Work Reimaged Powered By LinkedIn


Nearly 100 million Americans experience chronic pain. Dr Corey Hunter, a pain management specialist at the Ainsworth Institute of Pain Management and his patient, Doug Rodd, a medically retired U.S. Army paratrooper join me to discuss DRG therapy, as a possible way to manage chronic pain.

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Dr. Jeanine Downie: Leading Dermatologist

This week on TALK! with AUDREY : Joining me From the front lines of the war on wrinkles is DR. JEANINE B. DOWNIE, a leading dermatologist who lectures on behalf of the American Academy of Dermatology and the Skin Cancer Foundation. She provides the latest science on the most powerful anti-oxidants and a new product, REVALÉSKIN® that could help you slow down the aging process.

According to Dr. Downie, we cause some of the damage ourselves by smoking, taking sleeping pills, drinking alcohol, improper diet and of course, sun exposure. Dr. Downie outlines a battle plan that includes proper diet, sunscreen, drinking eight cups of water a day and using an anti-oxidant.


Gail Caldwell – Pulitzer Prize Winner and Author of Let’s Take The Long Way Home

This week on TALK! with AUDREY : Joining me this week is Pulitzer Prize winner GAIL CALDWELL, author of LET’S TAKE THE LONG WAY HOME.

LET’S TAKE THE LONG WAY HOME  is an intensely moving memoir about Caldwell’s own coming-of-age in midlife, she writes frankly about the transition from being a fiercely private person to learning to share her life with an exuberant puppy and a new best friend, Caroline Knapp—a fellow writer, AA member, dog lover, and acute observer of life.

Together these two fiercely private, independent women relax into a friendship more profound than either of them ever expected, one that thrived on their shared interests as well as their parallel struggles with alcoholism and loneliness. They grow increasingly inseparable until Caroline is suddenly diagnosed with Stage IV lung cancer. Gail Caldwell writes: “It’s the oldest of stories; I had a friend and we shared everything, and then she died and so we shared that, too.” Caldwell reminds us what makes friendship central to our lives.


Dr. Warachal Faison – Alzheimers


Our memories are too important to take for granted. Alzheimer’s disease physician and researcher, DR. WARACHAL FASION, of the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, on the early signs of Alzheimer’s, importance of memory screenings, treatment and supporting care givers on this week’s talk! with AUDREY.

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