Shalin Gala - TALK! with AUDREY RADIO

Shalin Gala, Vice President, International Laboratory Methods at PETA: Cobra Gold, A Macho Party?

Cobra Gold is an annual multinational military exercise co-hosted by the United States and Thailand and involves 29 participant nations. PETA has exposed a dark secret: One Cobra Gold drill billed as “survival” training is in reality a gruesome macho party. Joining me with the details, Shalin Gala, Vice President, International Laboratory Methods at PETA.

Emily Trunell - TALK! with AUDREY

Emily Trunnell, PhD, Neuroscientist and Research Associate for PETA: The Real Cost of Animal Research and Experiments

According to PETA, instead of using modern research methods to find a cure, billions of taxpayer dollars have been spent and more are set to be spent on sepsis experiments on animals, while the more than 150 medicines that have effectively treated sepsis in other species have then failed in humans. . . . joining me to discuss the very real cost to animals and humans of this failure to switch gears, EMILY TRUNNELL, Ph.D., Neuroscientist and Research Associate for PETA joins me with information about state-of-the-art, human-relevant research methods that are available and the very real cost to animals and humans of this failure to switch gears.

Kathy Guillermo - TALK! with AUDREY

Kentucky Derby: PETA’S Recommendations to Protect Race Horses at the Country’s Racetrack

The 146th Kentucky Derby was held at Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky.To protect against COVID-19 a series of guest safety protocols have been put in place, but much more needs to be done to protect horses at the track. Kathy Guillermo, SVP of PETA’s horse racing department to talk about the changes PETA is trying to enact to protect horses at the country’s racetracks and what you can do to help.