From cash stuffing to loud budgeting, when there’s a new personal finance trend every month, it can be challenging to decipher the best way to keep your finances in shape. Rising costs haven’t made it easier, especially as consumers navigate building up their savings amidst higher costs of living. America Saves Week is a time for people at all stages of their financial journey to reevaluate their finances, identify smart saving strategies and take control of their financial futures. Robin Growley, Bank of America’s Savings and Budgeting Guru, joins me to discuss strategies for conducting a financial wellness check.
Ashley Ross, Client Care Executive at Bank of America: How the Pandemic Has Redefined the Customer Experience
Events over the last year have pushed companies to be more agile and thoughtful in their customer experience approach. Consumers have reevaluated their personal and financial priorities and enhanced their expectations of the brands they support. to celebrate National Customer Service Week (October 4-8, 2021), Ashley Ross, Client Care Executive at Bank of America, joins me to talk about how the customer experience will forever be changed in a post-pandemic world.
Mark Lazar, Certified Financial Planner, Wealth Advisor, Author: Pathway to Prosperity: Your Guide to Money and Economics
According to Mark Lazar, a Certified Financial Planner, wealth advisor, “Contrary to what you may hear from friends, family, teachers, the government, or the media—regardless of your race, color, religion, where you grew up, or current social status, you have the power to change your life in ways you never believed possible,” and he wrote a book to help you get there, Pathway to Prosperity, to take the mystery out of money.
Erin McCullen, Head of Deposit Products at Bank of America: Teaching Kids Financial Literacy for Financial Independence
Alongside grammar and world history, another important subject to teach our kids is financial literacy. From budgeting and saving paychecks from a summer job to responsibly using a credit card, finances should be part of the curriculum starting at a young age through young adulthood. Erin McCullen, Head of Deposit Products at Bank of America has tips for parents to help their kids develop financial skills to set them up for post-grad financial independence.
Joanne Gaskin, Vice President of Scores and Analytics, FICO: Learn what steps you can take to improve your credit knowledge and FICO Score
Despite the economic uncertainty over the past year due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, the average U.S. FICO® Score currently stands at 716. Joanne Gaskin, Vice President of Scores and Analytics, for FICO joins me with the latest credit score data released by FICO, what impact COVID-19 had on credit scores and FICO’s commitment to financial education, inclusion and ability to score more people.
Jason Gaughan, Consumer Card Product Executive at Bank of America: Tips To Help You Get Your Summer Spending Under Control
Now that summer is well underway, it’s a great time to revisit your budget to make sure you are on track with your spending and saving goals, while still enjoying all that summer has to offer.Jason Gaughan, Consumer Card Product Executive at Bank of America, is here to discuss his top tips for keeping your spending in check.
Ken Cella, Principal, Client Strategies, Edward Jones and Ken Dychtwald, PhD, CEO Age Wave: Milestone Study Highlights the Silver Linings from the Pandemic
According to Edward Jones and Age Wave’s latest study, “The Four Pillars of the New Retirement: What a Difference a Year Makes,” following a year of unprecedented volatility across economic markets, physical and mental health and social justice issues; 76% of Americans credit the pandemic with helping them refocus on what’s most important in life. Joining me to discuss the results: Ken Cella, Principal, Client Strategies Group, Edward Jones and Ken Dychtwald, PhD, Retirement specialist and Co-founder and CEO, Age Wave.
Lynnette Khalfani-Cox, The Money Coach: Understanding Your Credit and Financial Health To Achieve Your Goals
Lynette Kahlfani-Cox joins me to talk about tools needed to better understand your credit and financial health. She will explain the facts and dispel the myths around credit scores and discuss how to develop a plan to achieve your financial goals and the “FICO Score Open Access” program, which enables over 200 financial institutions to share free access to FICO Scores used by lenders in credit decisions.
David Treat – Senior Managing Director Global Blockchain and Multiparty Systems Lead at Accenture
Digital currency is the wave of the future and central banks around the world are weighing introducing a new kind of money – one that will allow us to transact in our digital world, safely and securely by using central bank digital currency (CBDC.)
Four Step Plan to Financial Success
As this difficult year draws to a close, many Americans are taking stock of their economic situation and financial habits, with the goal of starting 2021 on sound footing. Setting yourself up for financial success requires an ongoing commitment. Lorrie Asker, Regional President of Idaho and Eastern Washington for First Interstate Bank joins me with a four step plan to help you reach financial success.